Press Releases

2020 Discovery Award Prizes Announced by Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes

September 16, 2020

Washburn Rural Middle School student Allison Reed just learned via Zoom that she is the $6,000 Grand Prize winner of the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes’ annual Discovery Award competition.

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Lowell Milken Announces Duplessis Primary as 2020 Founder's Award Recipient

May 19, 2020

The Ascension Parish school was honored with a $50,000 prize for making educational excellence the framework for student success

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Winners Announced in 2020 Lowell Milken Institute-Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs

April 24, 2020

2020 Lowell Milken Institute-Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs Awards $100,000 for Student Innovation

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2020 LMI Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs Finalists Announced

April 13, 2020

The $100,000 Lowell Milken Institute-Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs is a team business plan competition designed to recognize student innovation and support the real-world launch of promising new business ventures.

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AZ Principal Omar Duron Surprised with Milken Educator Award

January 17, 2020

Milken Educator Awards Founder Lowell Milken and Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman surprised Southwest Junior High Principal Omar Duron with a Milken Educator Award.

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Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes 2019 Discovery Awards Announced

September 17, 2019

New York middle school student, Michelle Dong, has won the $6,000 Grand Prize in the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes’ 2019 Discovery Award competition.

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HMCT Exhibition: Abram Games

May 01, 2019

The Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT) presents Artful Impact: The Posters of Abram Games. This comprehensive collection, on exhibit in the United States for the first time, will open with a reception on Saturday, May 18 from 4–6 PM in the South Campus Gallery.

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2019 Lowell Milken Institute Sandler Prize Winner Announced

April 19, 2019

A student-run startup that addresses the costly and common habit of teeth grinding and another that uses artificial intelligence to assist corporate human resources managers in evaluating employees were the big winners of the $100,000 Lowell Milken Institute-Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs.

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2019 ArtEffect Project Winners Announced by Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes

April 15, 2019

n its fourth annual ArtEffect Project competition, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes (LMC) has awarded five students with cash prizes totaling $15,500 for their artwork lauding individuals who have made a significant impact in history.

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NIET announces Lowell Milken Founder's Award Recipient

March 22, 2019

Wildflower School in Goodyear, Arizona, is the recipient of the 2019 NIET Founder's Award.

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